19 October 2006

Mr. GoodCents

My brother-in-law, Bennie, lived in Kansas for many years. He loves Mr. GoodCents. Being good sports, J and I, along with Al and Lizzie, decided to give it a try for lunch.

J ordered off the children's menu. She ordered fettucini alfredo. The server explained her order included chips or a cookie. She chose a cookie. He told her it included apple juice, milk or a pop. J looked at me totally straight faced and said, 'Mom, what's a pop?'

Al, Lizzie and I had a good laugh over that one.


Unknown said...

Hah- that's so funny, D! While in Houston- the kids at church always giggle when I said pop. But hurrah! I am back in the Midwest now and can say it all I want :-).

Miss you guys!

Kim said...

I have always called it "pop" too and get weird looks down here in the south. lol

Elizabeth said...

During the one year that my family lived in Texas, when I was 6, I remember my dad's coworker asking me, "where's your Pop?" I answered that I had already drunk it. :-) I'm not sure why, because being from California I didn't call my Dad Pop and I didn't call my soda pop.

Elizabeth said...

During the one year that my family lived in Texas, when I was 6, I remember my dad's coworker asking me, "where's your Pop?" I answered that I had already drunk it. :-) I'm not sure why, because being from California I didn't call my Dad Pop and I didn't call my soda pop.