15 October 2007

Rain Gauge

We recently bought ourselves a wireless digital rain gauge. It is super cool. You mount the receptacle portion outside on your fence but are able to read the rainfall totals from the comfort of your living room.

Today it is getting a workout. I say 'getting' because the radar shows more rain to come.

Since 2:40pm today we have had 5.51 inches of rain. And lest you think our new fangled gizmo is busted, the official WeatherBug station at the elementary school in our neighborhood is reporting 5.55 inches.

I won't go into the chaos at school dismissal time. Let's just say the power was out, they were holding kids inside and it pays to go to a school 'where everyone knows your name'.

1 comment:

ASC said...

Where did you find such a cool gizmo? Sounds like a great present for hubby - who loves to monitor these kinds of things!!! ~ Amy Crawford